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Open Space Office

Open Space Office

Innovative Legal Advice


We all need support and collaboration: Entrepreneurs, SMEs, People and Family

For SMEs

Preventive Consulting Plans.

Boards of Directors and Shareholders Meetings.

Conventional representation.

Labor, commercial, civil advice.


For people


Counseling for Older Adults: Wills and Assets.


Family Matters: Divorces, Separations, Family Property, Judicial Authorizations, Interdictions.

Transactions and Agreements.



- Lawyer with a degree from the University of Concepción

- Associate Lawyer L&R Abogados

- Lawyer ACounselor and Legal Representative of Laboratorios Biopas SA

- Lawyer Importer Farmer's Chile SpA, Santiago Club de Golf SA, Fénix SA (2.015)

- Chief Lawyer Las Condes Office, Corporation de  Legal Assistance RM (2010)

- Head Lawyer Legal Clinic UNIACC University (2005)

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